I'm basically obessessssedddd with this show. I love the idea of it: we have one life to live and one life to accomplish what we want to, so why not?
Check out the list of the 100 things they want to do...
It inspired me and I formed my own list...
- skinny dip in the ocean
- be part of a window display
- swim in the Dead Sea
- meet a current president
- get a french manicure
- get a tattoo
- ride a dolphin
- get my nose pierced
- go hiking in the mountains
- go skydiving
- dance in the rain
- go to fashion week
- travel to Ireland, Greece, Britain, and France
- own a pair of Christain Louboutin heels
- live in New York and California
- attend a major awards show
- meet Britney Spears (or Nicole Richie)
- graduate college
- ride an elephant
- live in a place with brick walls
- live in the moment, the future is now and enjoy the ride
Here's an interview with them I got off their website:
Why are you doing this?
It’s complicated. Life moves fast and we wanted to slow down and enjoy it. To do that we had to ask ourselves some important questions, most importantly: What do I need to achieve or experience before I die? When we turned the question on strangers, we were fascinated with the answers we received. Given the ultimate deadline, people are forced to ignore the day-to-day trivialities that sometimes bury their lives and evaluate their most personal dreams and ambitions. Ultimately, we want to get people excited about doing whatever it is they dream about doing. Why wait? We are also curious to know about the state of our generation, our values and the role we are play in today’s society. Really though, we want to have fun and help people.
How did it start/How did you meet?
We’re all from the same town and knew each other through the grapevine (except Duncan and Jonnie, who are brothers). We weren’t great friends before the project began but in February 2006, through a number of coincidental conversations, we realized that we were all felt the same way about the world (see “Why are you doing this?” above). We decided to work together to address our questions and to learn more, and eventually a documentary became our weapon of choice.
What is it?
Technically, a documentary. After months of planning we set out in August 2006 with a camera and a loaner RV to attempt and to document our list of ‘50 things to do before you die’ and help 50 strangers we met along the way do something they had always wanted to do. In two weeks we knocked 26 items off our list and helped 24 people. Since then our list has grown to 100 items and we have taken the cap off the number of people we’re setting out to help. This summer (2007) we’re traveling through the states to continue our quest. If you can’t wait til the final movie is released, check out our ongoing adventures in the video gallery.
What’s the hardest thing on the list?
Go to space and fall in love. Maybe run a marathon.
What will you do when you’re done?
Do you all do each item/When is an item considered complete?
There are some personal items but most items we chose to do together. If we’re satisfied with our attempt, or it’s clear that we have achieved our goal, then we’ll knock an item off the list.
What does ‘The Buried Life’ mean?
The name comes from a poem written by Matthew Arnold in 1852. The idea is that day-to-day stuff can sometimes bury you and make you forget what you’re passionate about in your life. Jonnie read it in English class and showed it to the rest of the team who agreed that it’s message was totally in line with how we were feelin. The question “What do you want to do before you die?” became our tool to ‘uncover’ goals & dreams. You dig?
Here are the lines from
But often, in the world’s most crowded streets,
But often, in the din of strife,
There rises an unspeakable desire
After the knowledge of our buried life;
How are you paying for this?
The bills are paid out of our pockets, through private donations, and through corporate sponsorship. It started with Skype phone calls and Ben looking companies up in the phonebook that we thought were in line with our mission. We’d call them and explain what we wanted to do and asked if they would like to be involved. Levi Strauss heard what we were doing and wanted to get involved. Others have offered everything from boxes of juice and website design, to longboards and cash. We owe so much to the individuals and companies who have helped us, and continue to help us, on our mission. Thank you to everyone!
How do you come up with/attempt your list?
Think about it – write it down. Once it’s on paper, things just happen. Ideas and goals can come from hobbies, friends, the internet, anywhere really. Think of what you want to achieve, or experience. Who would you like to meet? Where would you like to go? What would you like to work? Who would you like to help? How would you like to make a difference?Talking about your list and hearing about the goals of others is the best way to get things done.
If you are fed up with laziness, why is “Start a television show” on the list?
Television itself isn’t the problem. Irresponsibility is the problem. Our ethos is that you can be entertaining and socially responsible. Television is the best communication tool ever invented; why not use it to spread the good word? And make it funny? Both. If we ever made a show, we’d do our best to prove that to you.
How many people run this thing?
Us four
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