Totally Rad.
(image from the fashion spot)
Daily Inspiration:
Do what you do better than anyone else--dead, living, or unborn. Take the pride in the details, and make yourself invaluable to the process.
*PRACTICE transformation:
Explore, reach out, and form new relationships. Allow yourself to be transformed by others. Transformation is creation.
*know that you are a WORK OF ART:
You are an artist. Use the gift of life that God gave you to create, bring forth, and manifest your own personal masterpiece. Your life is your greatest work of art.
*keep it REAL:
Don't kill your dreams by overestimating the reality. To live extraordinarily, you must empower your creative mind and defy logic. Stop stifling your imagination.
*BUILD your team:
In your home, on your job, and in your personal and spiritual life, surround yourself with positive, empowering people who suppoer, motivate, and challenge you. Strengthen yourself by building your team.
awesome inspirations
Thanks for the inspiration! Something we can all take heed of.